First and most important is this blog.
I'm getting veeeeerrrrry near one hundred followers which is beyond exciting to me and I think I should do some kind of contest, but while I ponder that, it crossed my mind that I'm such an infrequent blogger and who wants to follow someone so unreliable?
So. With my schedule, I know it would be silly to try to post something everyday or even have a Monday, Wednesday, Friday post like so many of you out there. But I AM determined to do it once a week. At least. To start off with.
Starting with this entry, I am going to post every Friday. The content of these posts? Well, that will just be a surprise! I'm full of random, it's just me, so you should all just be familiar with that! :)
Check in with me every Friday and I *promise* to have something for you!
And I'll see what I can do about a contest, which I've NEVER HAD BEFORE. Yay!!
In other news, I just finished reading Anna and the French Kiss by the amazing Stephanie Perkins. It's her debut novel and I can't even begin to tell you how much I adored this book! The second I finished I wanted to start over again.

Even if you aren't a gushy romantic like I am, this book is fantastic. It's about independence and love and moving on and forgiveness and friendship...the themes are abundant and it's such a great read.
As if I didn't want to visit Paris enough as it is, this made me want to pack my bags and have my own little romantic adventure in the beautiful city.(Perhaps I should get myself a passport, eh?)
Not to mention(and this is kind of embarrassing)the fact that Anna's relationship with St. Clair echoes my own with someone very dear to me and I felt as though my own life were being played out before my eyes. My poor friend(who knows the situation)was bombarded by text messages with excerpts from the book that were me to a T. Except that I'm 29 and not 17...which is awkward...
Every once in a while, I find a story that inspires me to keep going with my own writing. I knew I wanted to improve my NaNo novel and since finishing Anna, my own ideas have been shooting out of the creative corners of my mind.
I can't wait to get to work!
And enjoy. :)
I just bought this book on my nook. OMG. I'm a poet too. : )
ReplyDeleteI really have to buy this book! I've heard SO many great things about it. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty infrequent about my blogging too so I totally get that. I made a goal for 2011 that starting in January I'm going to post m-w-f unless I specify otherwise before because I really want to be more reliable!
ReplyDeleteI JUST bought 12 books (my credit card hates me) for another of my 2011 challenges (read 110 books in one year). So I won't be getting Anna for a little bit but I DO plan to get it. I've heard so many wonderful things!
Ah, Anna! How I love thee!! Such an awesome book. Did you email Steph and tell her you love it? You should. I'm all up for the fangirling.
ReplyDeleteIt's so on my wishlist! I'm buying it with my christmas money for sure! I'm excited and can't wait either!!!
ReplyDeleteJust a reminder! Be Jolly By Golly Blog fest is this Monday! Melissa and I look forward to reading your entry!
Unedited & Jules and the Stars
...thought I'd help the 100 follower cause, considering how we seem to be keeping the same writer/blogger peers:)
ReplyDeleteI do my best to post once a week, but like you, simply don't have the spare minutes to push the habit to more than that. If readers like your prose, they'll return, regardless of one's infrequence.
...and the book review was lovely:)
Nice to meet you, Elliot! Thanks for the follow. :)
ReplyDeleteJen: Be Jolly posted! Super excited.
Jade: Haven't emailed her yet but I must! Love it.
Melissa: I've already failed my Friday post promise. :( Working on it!
Jemi and Samantha: READ READ READ! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Haha. :)