Thursday, May 3, 2012

MAY I Tell You Something About Someone Else?

In which I gush about the people who mean the most to me!  There are so many people I'd love to praise, but I'm going to start with one special person(who has nothing to do with writing but a lot to do with inspiration).

Meet Jacki Kuiken, my little sister:

Jacki is a true artist.  She's a photographer, a floral designer, a sketch artist, and so much more.  She's also my best friend, and I want nothing but happiness and success for her! 

Plus I know that someday she'll enjoy reading my books, so she's way more awesome than I'm letting on.  ;)

Anyway...I posted one of her photos on my Monday post, but I'd like to link back to her website here so you can all see this beautiful world through her talented eyes. 

If you're not in the mood to check it out, maybe this will convince you:

See??  Girl's got talent.  Don't these make you want to go outside and find your own inspiration? 

Go ahead, boost her ego!  :)

I hope you enjoyed meeting Jacki...I'm happy to introduce her!


  1. It's great to meet her! Her photos are amazing, and to answer your question: yes, they make me want to go out and look for my own inspiration! Thanks for introducing us to her. :)

  2. ...wonderful photos. She's gifted with an artist's sense of beauty. Very kind of you, Julie, to promote her work ;)


  3. Those are beautiful pictures! I always wished I had a sister.

  4. Thank you so much! I'm very proud of her. :)
